Art's Haven

Geometric Bead Retreat - July 14th - July 18th


We are excited to announce Summer 2023 Geometric Bead Retreat experience on the French Shore in Nova Scotia.  This retreat is for artists who have knowledge of contemporary geometric beadwork.  Two online meetings will be held before the workshop starts.  These will be meet and greet informational sessions tentatively planned for June 4 and July 8 Time: TBA.  Sam and Tracy will be available to answer questions regarding everything from diet to design!.  Our Field Trip to Belliveau Cove, Nova Scotia will be to Work in the Schoolhouse and stay at Creative Retreat houses:  Yellow Door House or the Big Blue where you can easily walk to everything including the beach. Using contemporary geometric beadwork techniques interpret the natural world of Nova Scotia.  Seek inspiration in color and form.  Direction and design guidance provided. Apply your ideas to geometric construction as you create a one-of-a-kind work of art. Tracy will have a retail space providing beads for your purchasing pleasure at Big Blue, one of our houses. 

NOT INCLUDED: Travel costs to and from workshop, materials and meals out.

WANT MORE TIME FOR YOURSELF TO WORK IN THE STUDIO: Give yourself quality time to create and hang out on the French Shore staying an additional 6 nights leaving on 23rd. Additional cost includes room, breakfast, lunch, 24-hour access to studio.

Check with your phone carrier regarding charges.
Consider travel health insurance if you do not have global coverage.
Nova Scotia travel information
Municipality of Clare
Halifax Airport
Ferry info. Digby-St John, Yarmouth – Bar Harbor

Occupancy: No Occupancy
Add Extra Studio Time (+ 6 Nights): Yes
Occupancy: No Occupancy
Add Extra Studio Time (+ 6 Nights): Yes